Call Me Mr Vain

So my family trip (next week) has somewhat become a “official trip that guys need to wear suit”, and I am left scrambling to find (1) something fitting that I can also button over my belly, (2) sleeves appropriate and can alter within short time, and of course (3) I can afford, because I can afford squat (for clothes) ... and I end up with a mixed palette of the same hues, because (A) I am a boring person like that, and (B) I like it ”dark” ... and it’s not because “black is slimming”, becoz that ship had sailed, and sunk, a long time ago lol

What is even more ludicrous is THIS journal entry which acts like a “OOTD” - FFS! LOL

But I am glad to entertain, thanks :)

And this is the result of a one-day manic shopping “spree” on a Saturday afternoon, after a birthday luncheon, and I am left breathless, exhausted within an inch of collapse (I don’t make this shit up), before I sat don outside of Uniqlo in Tampines, and marvel at the sheer amount of folks thronging the space, and wondering how far and solitary I have made myself in recent years … the kids running around shoutings sure didn’t help my disposition…

And here I am judiciously posting my “makeover wardrobe change montage” - just like on the movies, except this is real life, complete with an unbutton-able pot belly and limited funds ... yes, even a “ahpek” like want to look decent also ... least of all me, but for mum’s and family’s “face”. Personally I’d rather shop when I’m slimmed down lor! “HIAO”, also must have standards mah!

I think I am a “vain” man, but just not vain enough to work my body enough to fit clothes that’ll make me look good hahaha ... and years of being in the media industry has actually left me being a ”shorts and sweaty-tee” kinda guy (a very legit excuse, mind you) - not withstanding the micro-shorts phase some of you folks might have had the unfortunate instance to witness in my sordid past (and scar your memories of me with), but generally I’ve not taken much care of how I look for the past coupla decades maybe? Especially since my Stroke, I admittedly “let go”, and let my self-confidence plummet, because really, “what’s the point”?

I’ve never been the sunshine bursting outta my a$$”-type’a guy, and while I marvel at my own tenacity to want to “walk” again, since been half-paralysed, I simply did not have the gumption or will to maintain my svelte body (when I had Stroke, with the trauma making me as sim as I had been in my adult life leh!) … and here I am left with the blossoming belly of the seeds I had sow and treated with plenty of sunshine dammit LOL

can't believe I am posting this MV, but hella funny lah... :p

But now I feel my “vain-ness” return - no small reaction due to my self-delusionary denial of my “middle-age” category (A friend recently introduced me to his 15 year old son as “uncle”, and that is a fact I need to reconcile with somewhen soon lol) - but essentially need to acknowledge the pot belly in the way of my dreams! #sadbuttrue … people say “Dad-bods are In”, and I say: ”They are all LIES! LIES I TELL YOU! :p

This fab “Superdry” tee from my sis is one of my current faves (I love the cut!), “pot belly” notwithstanding lah lol

Have a wonderful OOTD-Day hahahah

“Ahpek” = Older Gent, an uncle, in this specific case a middle aged beard chinese dude lah
“HIAO” = “Vain” in Hokkien.
