#hengdoeschina - Shantou Day #0

Embarking on a trip "back home" to my Teochew roots, I'd accompany mum (with my sis) to Shantou the recent Nov 21st to 26th, as apart of the Teochew Federation (Singapore) Cultural Heritage Tour 2018, which turned out to be somewhat of an "official" visit ("enlightened" to us on the day of the tour briefing and receiving the above booklet which accompanies the annual tour). to be greeted by the local municipals and big-wigs, for which we will be accompanying the big-wigs of the combined Teochew associations from Singapore - all of which essentially meant "official clothes" to be worn, of which was officially requested at said tour briefing (which stressed me out immensely, as I'd dressed up for Mum's sake/face, even though she did not ask that of me :p), which ironically dispelled my earlier apprehension for "clothes" and having me embrace my "self-vanity" LOL

If the above displayed my disgruntledness about the situation, it is simply because it did. But money had been paid up, so ll I had to do was bite my own lips and spend more $$$ shopping for "appropriate" clothes, isn't it? Enforced c'est la vie as far as I'm concerned innit? Moving on...

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Nevertheless, here are a few random snaps from my "preparation" for the trip, and because "mundanity" cannot be underrated! As well this will serve as a "reminder" for me with what I'd done and learnt "worked" or not, for further reference .... yes, I've been hit by the travelling-bug again, which I am sure will "go away" once reality sets in, or when practicality bitch-slaps me hard ... :p

And yes, that certainly is a healthy dose of "cynicism" right there, you did not read it wrong! *wink*

Coincidentally I had a quarterly health check before my trip (which frankly threw up more dire heathy circumstances for me - a burden carried with me throughout the trip - something which I'll have a clearer resolution soon ....), which led to my "travel vaccination" (recommended by the doctor), for which at the very least provided me knowledge that whatever HepA jabs I'd had, needed to be a two-prong injection, and needing 6 months apart from both injections too = which essentially met I would be only "half protected" on my trip (said the nurse who administered the jabs :p)... which didn't affect me too much until I got bitten by a local mozzie on the last day in Shantou, while sitting at the waiting area in the hotel! WTF!

In any instances, the first thing I would need to consider and prepare for, are my medicines. And while I'd hoped the tour organisers would help take into consideration my "condition", it ultimately falls into my own management of personal pills administration. Even the task of "1/2 hour pre-pills" becomes a challenge when timelines are not met, although there have been some incidences where folks would understand my medical needs when explained, but generally I have learnt to not be able to expect much of what people could do for you, when instead you are to do it for yourselves.

Bug the relevant guides for approximate timing, and take care of your own schedules. Being able to know the itinerary is just the first step though, as I've learnt in this semi-official trip, that there might be "speeches" given before meals are served LOL

I have missed my schedules for the first half of the trip, but subsequently had to bring along ALL my meds wherever we went, just in case timelines changed without warning, which they did. It is my own personal responsibility, even though assistance around you really helps.

"Lists" help too! LOL

It also helps me to wittle down to the essentials, plus what I had wanted/hoped to do .... ironically bringing along my pencil case and sketch books had been a lost cause as there was hardly anytime for leisurely sketching (which I was really hoping to do haha), or to be fair, any availability of "inspiration" for me to doodle had been sorely lacking! Could have easily helped save packing space hahahaha ... Quite a pity actually :p

One item which I had wanted to get, was a day-carry bag. And while I knew I;d be bringing my pouch/manbag along, I'd wanted to have a hand-carry / sling-bag, that was not a back-pack (which I usually carry) - something which led me to the above piece - which I really liked because of the cut and size, but as well realised it was pretty huge! Served me pretty well, I have to say, and one of my better liked pre-trip purchases, actually :)

The hardest hurdle for me - for this trip - has been what to wear and weather to be prepared for. All previous indications had been "COLD" - hence all the buying of warmer clothes and accessories - with a last moment warning that it had been WARM (Thanks Anthony!) - which allowed me to bring a couple of regular tees, along with all my warm clothes, because at points in time, it had been hella warm OMFG!

And yes, my expanded girth and generous belly did not help.

The weather changes were mildly drastic though, so morning sunshine warmth would been balanced with chill breezes, while night-fall brings a decent amount of cold outside - all of which is subject to where you go indoors to, because most municipals we visited was hella warm (especially with a crowd of a 100 of us :p) in a single spot LOL

FYI: The sun goes down at about 5:30pm, so there is literally mote "night" to be had - which did not work well for me, as I do not embrace the night-time these days, alas ... but thankfully, I had been hotel-bound by days end ... although to be honest, the schedules post-dinner literally left us little time, before we had to get up at 7am (6am or earlier for me, as I;d need to take my pre-meal meds) for breakfast down in the hotel cafe.

I have since learnt that mix-n-matching is the only way to beat the sweat I constantly felt, from under the heat-tech turtle necks which I brought along - in am=n attempt to parlay having to wear a shirt (which I would have needed to iron) with tee (which I think have since forgotten how to tie a tie :p). Dreadfully cumbersome tasks.

Never did use the beanie nor the scarves see (and tested) in the above snap though, save for using it to "style"-up to a new coat I bought (shameless selfie seen below / so this'll be my ensemble for Japan :p) hahahaha.

Don't deny the functionality of a good coat with hoodie too, as this turned out to be a blessing for me especially on the last day of the trip, when it was raining-hard-to-drizzling :)

BUT thank goodness I packed my foldable umbrella (thanks "NTUC-freebie" hahahaha), because the last couple days were pretty wet. And yes, we could borrow umbrella from the hotel concierge, but having to return them, and having the added responsibility of holding unto what is not yours to loose, can be annoying hahahaha

And of course both my watches had their batteries die on me at the same period, but I managed to squeeze in time the day before my trip to head down to a SWATCH station to have them replaced, to find out that that could be done FOR FREE! No charge for batteries or service! So I am good :)

I'd decided to keep my nicer wristwatch (given by my brother) at home instead, and tried to "dress down" perhaps, hence the choice of these two :)

For guys, you'd easily be judged by what you wear on your wrists, and on your feet though ... at least I still think so :p

The only thing I brought along to the trip, that had reminded me of my "connection" to toys, was THIS above wristband from Cool Rain (something which I am actively trying to do for TOYSREVIL-merch actually), and for which I felt pretty snazzy with on my wrist, I will not lie LOL

Bringing the above pair of newly purchased Crocs was a simple waste of time - given the lack of opportunity to wear it in the cold weather! Don't need to put on a "fashion show" duding breakfast time too, innit? LOL

Do not under-estimate the sheer importance of a good pair of shoes - which cannot be denied or taken for granted, IMHO. This pair of old "dress shoes" (which I had used for going to school for the past few years with, "respectable" like :p) left my toes with blisters and general discomfort. Of course the flaking did not help, embarrassingly so OMG ... left this P.O.S. back in China, thanks.

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Quick road trip! Never comb hair! :p

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Another aspect of my trip, is my "eye-wear" situation - be it with my eye-patch (which would work with my "formal clothes"), versus this glittery-gold specs for regular day purposes - both of which certainly had my fair share of curious stares, and I mean STARES (LOL) ... from the "adorable" exclamations of kids ("海盗!" / "pirate") to adults who wondered about this pot-belly bearded chinese guy (LOLX2) - which did not affect me as much as having to focus to pick food from dishes, and having to constantly drop them FFS :p

Funnily, bringing along my ($2 Daiso) reading glasses, was only used to read the combination numbers on my luggage lock FFS hahahahaha

My very first apprehension about "currency" was not the conversion rate (which changed from 5.02 to 5.3 within less than a week in Singapore actually :p), but the reported advent of "cyber-currency" - or rather payment via mobilephones etc - which frankly worked in more "urban" establishments, but nevertheless paper money was still accepted. I even managed to get change in coins on my very last day in Shantou, at the airport cafe no less LOL

I'd kept my wallet and $$$ in my slingpouch/manbag throughout the journey, without having my wallet in my back pockets as I would do in SG, so I found it rather safe, actually. Or maybe my eye-patch did not "endear" me to would be pick-pockets? LOL

Didn't hear of anyone having been pick-pocketed in the tour thus far too, although we've (my family) had felt and worried about strangers trailing us at more touristy public places at nigh-time adventures.

FYI: The above 10 Yuan was actually picked up at the airport (mum say it too, not me lol) .... so maybe it's a sign that things'll work out? LOL

