Nothing is ever for "free", much less the internet
The image above popped up in my Instagram feed today (screenbgrab shown) … Just a matter of time, I guess, as nothing is ever truly "free"... Not "always-will -be" anyways … How will we navigate out of / thru this? Do we need to? Or will we "get used to it", as we had "gotten used to using IG" in the first place? Or perhaps there will come a time when we (the consumers) PAY to not have these sponsored ads pop up in our feeds?
Nothing. Is. Ever. For. Free.
I "love" the notion of the internet - the seemingly naive notion that WE are in control of our own cyber-destinies, that WE make it work for us … perhaps we do, or perhaps we THINK we do …
There Is No Conspiracy here. We do not own the internet … not NOW anyways … not anymore.
ANd WHY would we want it to be "free"? Would "we" in turn manage the internets, so it can be free to all to use?
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