#worldoutsidemywindowsg: Before & Now

Above: "Before" / Below: Now

As “container offices” (or more likely there are “storage units” because I do see air-conditioning units) are parked at the grass verge below my window to the world at our block area, so too I present snaps of my #worldoutsidemywindowsg (Yes, I have a dedicated hashtag for that too MUAHAHAHAHAHA) for when my bedroom BEFORE my Stroke in 2010, for which too I featured in my TOYSREVIL-blog - circa 2006, before I begun featuring toynews in lieu of my own mundane thoughts in my own life - which was how the blog started out in the first place - where I had branded it as a “Angry Blog by An Angry Man” LOL (*I can relate to Bruce Banner when he said - In the first Avengers film - "I am always angry"... Heh).

One can argue that my world view is narrow, much like “a frog in a well, looking up into the sky” - and I will not deny you your opinions (simply because you have a right to your own opinions, even if it is not aligned with mine), but at the same time, it is more than the, but THIS view is more readily accessible to me, and I would rather be able to document that, rather than overlook that in lieu of averting my eyes and world-view somewhere else. No doubt folks can search for more than what their surroundings offer them, but do not forget your surroundings too, for that’s where you have planted your feet, even if you aim to scoot off “somewhere” else … but hey, that’s just my worldview, innit?

In time, these will be removed too (after the "redecoration" is done), but will my view into the #worldoutsidemywindowsg remain unchanged? Would my life remain the same, then?


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I created my own hashtag #worldoutsidemywindowsg to “showcase” literal snaps of the view outside my bedroom window ... and also realising this has not been the “first time” doing this, as I have had a whole other “life” of “outside my window” snaps from when I was sleeping in my first room, from before my Stroke in 2010. I had taken and posted (on both my blog and Multiply) since 2003 (& earlier?) even! My online life was Multiply (precursor to Facebook) but I’ve since lost all traces as the platform changed into an “online marketplace” yonks ago ... I miss those snaps, and I remembered being pretty emotive with words then too hahaha but the earth doesn’t stop turning even if we stop in our tracks, and life moves on regardless .. ticktock :) #henglifesg #singaporelife #eastside #maybeitstimetowakeupnow

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And even then, looking at these images afters, I could see the change the landscape went through, much less our lives we might have led. We might perceived to be standing still on our own island, but the world still turns, the dawn and dusk cycle continues, as the concrete blocks of our flats withstand the rain, and the grass revel in green or dried by the sun, isn’t it?

I am certainly glad I had a chance to document these.
