Longer and Curlier

At a time when my body is only fit for upper-torso Facebook-profile picked-pics (“BLACK” can only be “slimming” so much, yah?), I look to my luscious locks HAIR, for a breath of “newness”, by going back in time (welcome to my world) - as I am considering / have considered / possibly decided-temporarily to keep it as long as I can, to reach - dare I say: “Pre-Stroke Waist-Length Long”?

Undoubtably a long way to go (how long I don’t know, I never timed myself the first time around), with the likelihood of me buckling to the current humidity of Singapore, and end up shorning it all way way down, like that time post-Stroke … but I’ve done that, and its all about “cycles” anyways … but until then? I relish being able to (1) Tie a baby pony-tail again, (2) Run my hands thru my hair again, for that uber strange comforting-literal-free, and (3) Wonder why my white & grey hairs are being joined by the browning … is my hair getting “rusty”?
