May 17, 2016

One never goes wrong with #luncheonmeat #eatlife #henglife #sorrynothalal

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

With her week in hiding and generally not eating, we were reconciling with the notion that she was at et last legs in life, that she was choosing to lie alone and die (as folks had told us would be case for cats)... Then Sunday she came out and meowed to my sister, and has been back to her shenanigans again, like cat tanning, lying in the sofa and constantly plonking herself down on the floors, scratching the sofa, and coming into my face an meowing for treats while I take my daily morning medications! Regardless if it's the "appetite supplement" pulls from the vet giving her the perk, or if she had survived an inexplicable illness, I aim to treat her silly if I can, when I can ... Trying to keep strong to love the cat. #catlife #maolife

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

Mum's chicks ... Sketching practise ... So jealous of her! So proud of her! :)

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

Brown stuff is good stuff! Braised goodness FTW #eatlife

A photo posted by Andy Heng (@asliceofheng) on

Alive and meowing for food, silly girl ... #catlife #maolife

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