Blog-Silenced No Longer

The function of this personal blog of mine, was to archive my days and moments, along with embedded instagrammed snaps, however mundane they would've been (I strive for the mundane, fhanks!) ... but there had been a noticeable (perhaps only to me and no one else but the void of www MWAHAHAHAHAHA) "gap" between the last one in April, unfortunately as I'd turned my IG to "private" (due to a unfortunate situation related to a family member...), hereby negating the bulk of posted images here, and hence defeating the purpose of this blog, I suppose ... AND not being able to keep up, brought with workalike and bloglife, of course...

But apparently the situation has since "cleared up", and now as we near the end of August 2018 = it is back to blog business!

Hello again, WWW-VOID! :)
