Navigating #Singaporelife (September 18/2020)

The lil'trip out yesterday to civilisation AKA "Tampines" was both a eye-opener, and a struggle.

While folks live their lives in what folks call "the new normal"< i struggled to navigate my senses, after too long a "I'd rather stay indoors at home" ... I'm just not ready for public consumption, innit? But I need me some "Vitamin D" too, so...

Where folks are adhering to "social distancing" when queuing for stuff and sitting, everything else is a free-for-all ... standing at the traffic light, waiting to cross, is bth laughable and horrendous LOL

Walking into Daiso was such a massive sensory over-flow, for me anyways. All the THINGS around, all the PEOPLE about, I was stumbling around looking for stuff ... and the people were what I call "typical" = Even with the aisle so impossibly narrow, when I attempt to walk past other FOLKS, and utter EXCUSE ME, nobody ever does...?!

"Dinner" became a struggle too, when I attempted to find food that did not contain "red meat" (my current GOUT-restrictive diet I am adhering to) ... the irony of walking into a RAMEN shop, where most broth are Pork Bone hahahaha .... managed to squeeze in a Salted Egg Fried Chicken rice set, at a eye-opening price to which I will attribute to my self-given "Birthday Treat" (which would've gone into providing for a huge portion of two blind boxed figures, alas) ...

LIFE continues, regardless... LOL
