Time's Up, Packing Game Over ... For Now.

The "plan" was to haul everything out of the bedroom-turned-storeroom, to edit my magnificent "Hoard of Plenty" to three distinct categories: "Keeps", "Throw" and "Sell" ... the opportunity was when both Mum and Sis went on a 8-day overseas tour, thereby allowing me what I felt to be ample time to carry out such a project - a project I had been longing to do since I'd return home from the hospital for Stroke, back in Christmas 2010.

Reason being that I simply would need the entire house to myself, to be able to enact the project, as there would be boxes and "stuff" removed from said bedroom, with them lined along the corridor and pathways, up on the sofa and in the kitchen = a literal "mess" is what it would be, in an attempt to re-organize everything into relevant boxes, which I could access easily easier ... and that could not happen while there are other people living under the same roof.

I cannot expect people to bear with the mess that I had chosen to, as it was MY stuff, and future use of, on the line...

Day 7 has come to a close, with Mum and Sis heading back home the very next Saturday afternoon, and I have ran out of time. The best I could achieve, was hardly enough, alas ... there was some semblance of editing, but it was hardly enough ... hardly worth waiting 5 years to do hahaha ... figured "14 days", or even "10 days" would've been ideal ... but we're not living in an ideal world, aren't we?

I truly don't know how long I'll have to wait to start repacking the room now ... I am at my wits' end ... maybe I need to sell that 5 cartons of toys first, to clear space for more toys hahaha

Body aches like a bitch tho...


Building up my wall of acid free boxes, browned with age and weathered beside the window for over 5 years ... One day I'll re-dig them out again to categorize them ... I've always had a dream of an alphabetical or labelled library shelved with comicbooks ... Before toys, before my current pop culture geekdom, there were "comicbooks" - they started me down a path were I am today, and WHO I am. Comicbooks were a huge part of my life, and they remain so dear to my geek loving heart. A lot of people choose not to understand that comicbooks were a part of me, sadly so, and I've lost loads of relationships becoz of folks constantly trying to stop me collecting and reading, in fact. In the end, these acid free boxes are what remains beside me all these years later :p ... People reject what they do not know, and they will try to stop others then themselves, thinking its for "their own good" ... Be that as it may, good intentions or otherwise, each person has their own paths to lead, and decision to make, don't they? Although THIS is hardly "intervention"-worthy, is it? heh. #henglife

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Someone should know better where NOT to go poking their phone-home finger...! #toylife #toysrevilpacking

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No where near done, but I've run out of time ... I tried... #toysrevilpacking #henglife

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