Writing For Myself In The Near Blog-Future
Prepping to pre-publish a post for next week, feeling somewhat invigorated at creating blogposts again rather than cutting-n-pasting - something I had used to deplore doing, truthfully speaking, but alas this has turned out to work better for my current post-Stroke eye-sight and an act I have since grudgingly accepted as work-norm, never fully comfortable with doing, but am doing on an insane regular basis for the past 5 years since Stroke - something I thoroughly dislike doing … which frankly has turned my blogging efforts into something I no longer enjoy as much as I did when I first started … but of course, bitching aside, this was my choice in the first place, and it has to be my choice and decision to do otherwise.
That said, while I am not forging cut-n-paste press-releases, I am also working towards more self-initiated projects and blogposts, one of which are "toy reviews" - something which I had wanted to do for years -since blogging about toys began, I insist - but had never had a truly consistent track record of doing LOL
Blaming most of my time and efforts on cutting-n-pasting (hurhur) and turning the blog into a mostly bulletin-billboard-styled news-site, I reckon it's high time to move out of this situation and focus on what I want to do instead, and let the blogs and website with multiple authors and writers with good pair of eyes do instead! HAHAHAHAHAHA
That said, I need to re-find my "words" again, and while I hardly can claim to be a "wordsmith", I distinctly remembered having a much wider vocabulary than "awesome" and "splendid" which I now use daily hahahaha
In a way, that is and will become what THIS blog is for now, a practical "test-bed" to yank on however long I want to, filled with "random thoughts and musings" however inconsequential … how the way the TOYSREVIL-blog had begun and flourished in the first place … or so I convince myself, since no one has mentioned or feedback otherwise tho …
And while I've often said before, that I'd not want to blog in a "vacuum", I've since evolved my way of thinking and rationalizing the reason WHY I should and could continue blogging - not just as a (failed) "career", but also as an enjoyable and enriching aspect of my life - that is if I AM blogging in a vacuum of myself, than I should at least enjoy WHAT I am blogging about, instead of what I feel what otters might want to read instead … maybe?
Or perhaps I am making too much a deal over something that is in my own mind … ironically since the blog-stats show an upswing in page hits for the past few years LOL
(FYI: A shorter blogpost was first published on TOYSREVIL - this is my further thoughts on this after publishing the post)
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