Dec 26, 2018

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I had been one of the legion who exclaimed “he’s not my Superman!”, when the kryptonian snapped Zod’s neck ... years later, watching the endgame again on cable tv on Boxing Day, I’d come to “appreciate” what had happened - becoz now the “big boy scout” no longer is, but is now burdened with guilt and a consciousness that even Batman cannot hang over him, IMhO. This is not the version we “grew up” watching, and neither does it conform to the “past” as #SupermanReturns had done previously ... like it or hate it, this is/was the Snyder/Goyer version retconned for the new millennium and generation of folks hahahaha ... even this incarnation and the BvS version is better than the atrocity that which was #JusticeLeague FFS #moustachegate notwithstanding hahahahaha But that’s just me :) #popcornx #manofsteel #superman

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Maybe it’s the end of a long year, maybe I’m tired of trying, maybe I’m just tired ... the frustration has been simmering, so maybe I should let it boil over, before I can let it cool off? “Switch it off”? That’s another option, of course... will things change in the next few days before 2018 officially ends? Of course I don’t need a specific date pegged for “change”, but we’ve got to start somewhere, don’t we? Then again, do I even want any “change”? Or maybe it is simply not about “asking questions”, and just go about “living” innit? Just trying to live the #henglifesg the best I can, innit? Or maybe I need me some sleep ... heh. #hengdraw #itsvaguebecozitis

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