(ReWashable) Face Masks Collection PSA

UPDATED: Collected.

It has been announced (in a governmental press conference the afternoon of April 3rd, 2020) that the government will be handing out (rewashable) face masks, starting this Sunday April 5th, thru to next Sunday April 12/2020.

Updates has since been posted online via their official web-channel at https://maskgowhere.sg/, and I have a screen grab to share (above), as well folks can key in their Postal Code (in the given field on the page) to track WHERE you can collect your mask(s). The specific WHEN has not been listed. You might have to check our lift lobby noticeboards, or your mailbox (like when the 4 x masks were given out, there were specific dates for collection listed)
"From 5 April (Sunday) to 12 April 2020 (Sunday), residents with registered home addresses will be able to collect one (1) reusable mask at the designated CCs or RCs.

Please bring your NRIC, Birth Cert (or any other Identification documents with a barcode) for verification.

Family/household members can collect on behalf of their other household members as long as they have their NRICs, Birth Cert or any identification with barcode.

For Residents with mobility issues, please contact your nearest CC for further assistance.

I had forgotten to post these images of facial-masks package I took when the government passed out four surgical face masks during early-February 2020.

Before, there had been advice to not wear the masks if one does not have cough or flu symptoms, but as of this April 3rd press con, citizens have been advised to wear masks. And while the rewashable masks are "not surgical masks", they are able to provide some measure of safety - better than not wearing anything, right?

I have read online folks belabouring that "should have said wear masks all the way!" and sum such commentary, and I wonder if "common sense" trumps "instructionals"? But then again, the "coronavirus" is NOT "common", is it.

I chose not to judge folks, and accept that perhaps folks need to let off some steam and frustration during such trying times, but ... nah Singaporeans always complaining one (myself included BWAHAHAHAHAHA), and most vocal ones try to be "jokers" too ... so in a local landscape of FOLKS WHO LISTEN and FOLKS WHO DO THEIR OWN THANG, all I see in snapped photos and videos of people crowding in supermarkets and panic-buying = Not a whole lot of folks wearing face-masks leh...!

*PSA = "Public Service Announcement".

NO I am not paid to post this.
And go confirm authenticity at your own leisure, thanks.

Stay Safe, people!
