February 4/2019 #henglifesg

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After over 8 years of digesting pills post-Stroke, there have been changes to both dosage and type of meds for the past few months, largely due to my deteriorating kidney - in part perhaps due to meds intake too - and now with the recent tests, there are more meds changes to attempt to salvage the malady, which I’ve not asked if it would be a “forgone conclusion”, but in my heart i know it’s a “eventuality” ... there is no dietary changes to be recommended, so I am left in the hands of the medication, so see if they do steer the course, or just hold out the inevitable. More tests to come in the next coupla months, visiting “specialists” and taking more pills/meds. Looking at this Med box, it bores the mark and memory of my late Dad, with the pills being first sorted out by him (when I got out of hospital then), and the masking tape with faded numbers being written by him, to remind me of what I had to take... yes, the text has since faded, but he memory is still fresh, as are my constant tears, for missing him, and not for the damned pills I need to take. I will continue to be strong and push thru and survive, even if I have to go thru it alone (of course family is there xoxox). #henglifesg #suckstobesick

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