This #10YearChallenge thing going on on Facebook has been a very interesting happenstance for me, igniting a (morbid?) fascination with my own path into "growing old" (I'm hitting "50" this year, can't deny that fact lol) and seeing the changes thru the years ... instinctively I think of my teeth - which is currently in a horrid state (you don't see me open smiling in photos these days), and actually less of me getting FAT and thinning hair hahahaha and not "blaming" Stroke at all, all things considered ... but the smile is no longer the same bah ...
Aiyah, ok lah, sucks to be fat also lah hahahahaha
It's also interesting to me, that how you see yourself might be wholly different from what other folks see in/of you ... it could be immediate family, your long-term partner, or even friends you don't regularly keep in touch with ... I think I might have been the sort who was affected by what others thought of me, back in the school days ... but these days, I am my own harshest critic and fashion police LOL ... but again, always interesting to hear what folks think...
I've not tracked the source of the challenge (you're supposed to post your FB profile pic etc), while some deduced that it is a ploy to update FB's facial recognition algorithm - for which I would not deny it might/would be for, and in some way I do give it to it / "the ruse", naively to me as a simple "offering" in lieu of me using the social media platform "for free" (NOTHING is ever "for free" forever), and of not paying them to promote my blog page *truef88kingstory hahahaha
Maybe I'll regret this in the future, but there are plenty of "maybes" in my life = "maybe I'd taken better care of my health", or "maybe I shouldn't have drunk so much Red Bull back then" ... too many regrets in my #henglifesg, so moving forward, I'll just have to recognise WHAT things are, and learn WHEN to let go and move on with life, becoz that's the best we can do, innit?
The years might not have been particularly kind, but I'll take the mercifulness, because I've lived it already, hadn't I? What's the use of "complaining"? (Well, you can certainly blog about it, as I have had here MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) ... Of course we could only work harder to achieve a better future, innit?
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