#henglifesg January 29th, 2019

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I created my own hashtag #worldoutsidemywindowsg to “showcase” literal snaps of the view outside my bedroom window ... and also realising this has not been the “first time” doing this, as I have had a whole other “life” of “outside my window” snaps from when I was sleeping in my first room, from before my Stroke in 2010. I had taken and posted (on both my blog and Multiply) since 2003 (& earlier?) even! My online life was Multiply (precursor to Facebook) but I’ve since lost all traces as the platform changed into an “online marketplace” yonks ago ... I miss those snaps, and I remembered being pretty emotive with words then too hahaha but the earth doesn’t stop turning even if we stop in our tracks, and life moves on regardless .. ticktock :) #henglifesg #singaporelife #eastside #maybeitstimetowakeupnow

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